Editor’s Notes: On Writing Women

BY ELIZABETH GILLILAND As you scroll through our editor’s notes, you may notice something of a trend here at Xchyler Publishing . . . most of us are women. The same could probably be said of most publishing houses and agencies. There are a lot of women in this field....

Editor’s Notes: The Notebook

BY RIE SHERIDAN ROSE No, I am not talking about that movie with Gena Rowlands and James Garner , or even the book it was based on. I am talking about the indispensable tool that no writer should be without. Last week, MeriLyn Oblad talked about how important...

Editor’s Notes: Tearing It Down

BY JESSICA SHEN Making Your Hero Suffer On Editor’s Notes, we’ve talked about all kinds of things that will make your story better, from how and when to break grammatical rules , to choosing a good name for your character. Today, let’s turn to the dark side of...

Editor’s Notes: Take A Breath

BY MERILYN OBLAD Music and writing have already been compared to one another on this blog (see Kristina’s lovely entry from last month), but I thought I’d contribute to the analogy in my own way. I’m a vocalist; some might say “singer” instead, but we vocalists can be...