Editor’s Notes: Comma-gain?

BY KRISTINA HARRIS Editors follow two basic laws when it comes to grammar rules: Enforce all the grammar rules and regulations. After ensuring that everyone is thoroughly tired of being schooled on the rules, allow them to break the rules. Yep, it’s true. In the name...

Editor’s Notes: Any Man of Mine

BY ELIZABETH GILLILAND A few weeks ago on the X blog I wrote about the art of writing strong female characters. Just to show that fair is fair, I’ve decided that today we need to discuss the art of writing a compelling leading man. In a conversation with a group of...

Editor’s Notes: Words We Use

BY TERRI WAGNER What Did You Mean? An editor and a writer go into a bar . . . Heard that one yet? It ends badly for both. Why? Irony. The two people most likely to have appropriate, effective words at their disposal, don’t! They make rookie mistakes. When the editor...